Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Change Of Plan

We have recently decided as a group that we will be changing our plan, from doing two website pages to a radio advert for our newspaper - MK Bulletin. Our reasons for this is that we are sadly running behind on schedule and need a quick piece of work that will be effective with the rest of our project.

Sarah Belmont-Colwell

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Domino's Newspaper advert

This is an advert Charlie has created to be placed on the front cover of our newspaper. We had to take our own pictures for the advert, so the double decadence image was an old pizza box that we had and we then took our own picture of a coke bottle from there. We decided that this would be a good advert as many people buy Domino's pizza and are always looking for new deals and offers that they do.

Jess Staples-Hull, Charlie Barkus and Sarah Belmont-Colwell

Monday, 8 November 2010

 The first picture is an example advert for firework safety. I will use this as a guideline for my own advert. I like the first advert for its use of bright red colour that catch the readers attention and reminds them of heat. The colour white also stands out strongly and the advert is supported by other brands, not just the newspaper.
The second picture below is my own advert for firework safety, I have stuck to using the colour white to make the logo stand out at the top of the page. I have also used strong colours to catch the readers attention.  
                                   By Charlie Barkus